Project Forwarding

Project Forwarding

We provide batch distribution service that integrates domestic/foreign plant cargo, marine transportation (self-propelling ship, barge) for special cargo and supermassive cargo delivery and special land delivery equipment (transporter, etc). Matching the customers lead time, we provide a custom service based on strategic contract with specialty delivery shipping company that can delivery domestic/foreign heavy cargo. We also provide stable distribution service based on domestic/foreign large size construction, factory equipment for engineering company, construction equipment delivery and project experience.

Project Cargo (supermassive cargo, bulk cargo) batch delivery service

HLOGISTICS proposes the best delivery route matching the project cargo’s nature by investigating and analyzing beforehand the distribution Software (custom, law and practice) and hardware (local delivery method and route) of the arrival country.


  • Secure ex/import packing, delivery mean suitable to cargo nature.
  • Survey departure/arrival location (licensing and delivery planning).
  • Optimum delivery and cargo storage, local customs and inland delivery (on foundation).
  • Secure delivery mean by cargo nature(Full Container, General Bulk Vessel, Heavy Lift Carrier)